Sunset Policy Update

ABSS is committed to providing exceptional service and ongoing product enhancements. To achieve this, we periodically review and update our Sunset Policy. This policy outlines the product versions that will no longer receive technical support from our team. The table below outlines the specific versions affected by this policy. You may continue using your existing software; however, technical support will no longer be available for the following:

  • Troubleshooting and configuration issues
  • Data file repair or recovery
  • Increasing user licenses or data files
  • Retrieving or resetting passwords
  • Generating site keys for RetailManager (if applicable)
ABSS Accounting & Premier

Sunset Policy Table

ABSS ProductLatest VersionOther Supported VersionsNon-supported Versions
ABSS AccountingV30.1V30, V29.1, V28<V28
ABSS PremierV30.1V30, V24.1, V23.1<V23.1


Stay up-to-date with the latest ABSS products. Upgrade now.


Get in Touch

From 1 January 2019, ABSS will no longer provide technical support for certain earlier versions of ABSS product, and will instead focus on providing support resources for customers who are either:

  • Subscribed to an ABSS Premium Cover; or
  • Registered users of the latest-version ABSS product; or
  • Registered users of up to two versions before the latest-version ABSS product

A table detailing the current support status of all ABSS products (including discontinued ABSS business products) is provided on the ABSS website, as are answers to further questions regarding the changes to phone-based support.

If you are still using your ABSS product to run your business and anticipate requiring phone-based assistance in the future (for example during end of financial year), we recommend you subscribe to ABSS Premium Cover, which will provide you with an automatic upgrade to the latest version of your ABSS product that is compliance with up to date legislative requirements along with ongoing access to phone-based technical support and more.

Alternatively, some ABSS Partners may provide on-site support for earlier-version ABSS products.

Technical Support Notes for older-version ABSS products will continue to be accessible on the ABSS website

If you are running your business on three versions and below of an ABSS product, ABSS is no longer providing phone-based technical support, and will NOT be able to assist you with the following procedures:

  • Repairs or recover your corrupted business datafile
  • Increase the number of user licenses or number of datafile
  • Retrieve or reset the master administrator password when you have forgotten, misplaced or changing of PIC
  • Generate site key for RetailManager
  • General technical support issues
ABSS Payroll

End of Support

To discern market changes and adapt to technology development and innovation, we present to you Financio Payroll—a cloud-based solution—as the upgraded version of ABSS Payroll.

With this upgrade, we will no longer be actively developing and improving the current ABSS Payroll system. The support for this product has already ended (EOS) on 31st December 2023.

Henceforth, all future updates and technical support for this product will be provided in our new cloud platform, Financio Payroll. In accordance with the EOS, the activation and confirmation process for ABSS Payroll will be discontinued from 31st December 2023.


Why the Changes?

Financio Payroll is a replacement of the previous generation of ABSS Payroll Software. All the major features of ABSS payroll remain, plus many new enhancements that allow businesses to pay employees, file payroll taxes and manage employee benefits, claims and HR-related matters in one place. This upgraded cloud version will enhance our customers' payroll experience. 

Customer Actions

We recommend that existing ABSS Payroll customers take steps to upgrade to the latest version of the Financio Payroll to take advantage of the advanced features and up to date compliance status available in this cloud software. This will ensure best customer experience over the life of the product. For more information about Financio Payroll visit

End of Support Transitions

For better understanding, we put together a table below describing the transitioning milestones, definitions and dates for ABSS Payroll EOS.


MilestonesDefinitionDate / Period
ABSS Payroll - End of sale date (Full Pack)The last date of new product license sales. Products include: ABSS Payroll, Pre-approved PSG Package for ABSS Premier Plus (SG.)31st March 2023
End of sale date (Covers)The last sale date of ABSS Payroll Premium Cover and Upgrade Cover.30th April 2023
End of support (EOS) dateThe last date of the product service period. Product service includes: technical enquiries, bug fixes, compliance updates and product activation and confirmation.31st December 2023
End of registration dateThe last date of new license product registration.31st December 2023

Sign-up ABSS Accounting & Premier Connect!

  • LHDN E-Invoice Compliant. 
  • A.I Scan via OCR: Save time consolidating receipts.
  • Free Financio Payroll by ABSS: For up to 3 staff with ABSS Premier Connect.
  • Technical Support: Guidance on software usage.
  • Stay compliant and updated with the latest software version.


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